I wanted to start off with an acknowledgement that we hopefully call rally around, the simple fact that Black Lives Matter. I knew it mattered decades ago when I first developed this blog. Urban Economics - the intersection of what it means to be black and the development (over the years) of a toolkit to survive in a harsh landscape that is not welcoming to people that look like me. Urban was used to describe the music I listen to (Grammy: Best Urban Contemporary), the neighborhood I live in, and even the way my people spoke. So it was clear to me even then that BLM I just couldn't scream it to the rooftops because we all knew about the that thing lurking around the corner called "systemic racism". Today's post is not about the many times I've been singled out by the police, those articles will come but the "FEAR" of entering the corporate world and trying to survive for your family. The fear that being too outspoken can get you singled out. How do I know --- we've seen it happen too many times especially to the good ones. Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King Jr., and yes Colin Kaepernick. I saw that young brotha's wings get clipped too early and we all knew the unfortunate price he would pay.
How do businesses deal with this issue, well there is a term and strategy I learned in the corporate world used to prevent them from getting singled out. During the financial crisis it was invoked because there was a fear in the air and everyday people were taking matters into their own hands. They ran, literally into banks, and withdrew all of their money fearing one bank failure meant their bank would be up NEXT. There is a reason why the call it "A Run on The Banks"...look it up. So during the financial crisis (feel free to read about it on my blog from 2008-2010), the people in charge (Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner, Hank Paulson) devised a plan to help the banks survive being "singled-out" for taking funds from the government. Think of it from my perspective as an investor: if my bank is taking money --- they must be in BIG trouble! If I see this I sell my stock and further I pull my money out of that bank --- hence a run on that bank begins or continues. The plan that was devised was for EVERY bank to take the bailout money (the bitter medicine even if you didn't need it) for the greater good of the banking system and the country. They call that "ring-fencing". If everyone is doing it, I can't single out one why one actor is doing it.
Fast forward to what Urbanomics has always been about. A place for all people, but in particular my People of Color to learn from each other and not be singled out in Corporate America as too ambitious, driven, or looking out for your own personal or family's best interest. My issue with the NFL, the players, and the owners is they didn't realize this simple fact when we all watched Colin Kaepernick do what was right. No one ring-fenced the young man and I was irate then and still am. Like Lebron James said...the NFL owes Colin Kaepernick an apology and I agree. If everyone would have knelt....yes you Drew Brees maybe we all could have focused on the real issue at hand and maybe just maybe he would still be playing.
So if you are new, read this blog to empower yourself. Those of us that have read over the years realize what I am saying isn't anything new --- we are uniting as a collective unit to be great parents, workers, investors, and agents of change as there is strength in numbers. And I also believe that in a capitalist society, money talks. Because when you're are a collective unit, you have strength or as I like to call it leverage and you can negotiate what's in the best interest of you and yours.
I'm sharing the best performing stock in my portfolio in hopes that the NFL and teams do right by Kaep. In hopes that we ring fence and invest in our futures together --- strength in numbers. You can read my many posts over the years on Collectors Universe (CLCT). I bought this stock when I was a young pup and it holds true to my pillars. Build a strong core, work hard, and prioritize what's most important to you. To me it's family, so my portfolio of investments simply means I prioritize time and relationships in this short beautiful life.
Thank you #Kaepernick, yes #BlackLivesMatter, and I remind you #ifnotnowthenwhen
If you need a disclosure, yes I own CLCT and have since at least 2007. Buy low and hold on to great investments. CLCT pays a dividend and most of your investments (real estate, business, stocks, etc.) should be providing you some type of return because it's a valuable asset. Be humble and surround yourself with people smarter than you. Take but manage risks very well.