Stock Ticker

Stocks use a Ticker or an abbreviation to allow you to quickly find them. Facebook (Ticker: FB), Apple (Ticker: AAPL), Netflix (Ticker: NFLX), Alphabet (we know it as Google, Ticker: GOOG), Microsoft (Ticker: MSFT). Ticker Tape Provided by Macroaxis


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Reading With A Purpose - Summary of Recent Posts

I wanted to put together a quick summary of the last few URBANOMICS blog posts that were written.  A question that I got recently was, “You Must Put A Lot of Time…” and they were referencing the amount of research that I might do when investing.  At first this took me by surprise because I have a full time job. However, I had to remember that I do take time out to research and focus on the markets and this may be more that the “average” person does.  However, I would ask someone do they take time to “Workout” and while that might seem demanding to someone else others might consider it necessary for a well-balanced life.  So I am here to assist you with getting your Financial Footing on.

The first and most basic lesson is “Read With a Purpose”. I write with one so in turn you should read with one. Let’s summarize the last few posts and what the takeaways might be:

Please Don’t Kill My Investing Vibe

This post takes the confusing world of economics and policy and breaks it down for you.  It simply asks do you think “The World Around You Is Improving”.  While there are some secrets to investing, there isn’t one to thinking and whether you own a few or a lot of stocks you should get comfortable using your senses to gauge when the world around you is improving.

  • More stores opening /Stores trying new foods, flavors, etc
  •  Friends changing jobs / Jobs hard to fill at work
  • Construction popping up
  • Co-Workers vacationing more / Summer Homes purchases
  • Homes Being Built, Friends being out-bid

Believe it or not these are all things that you, the person on the street, can SEE, HEAR, SMELL, TOUCH, or FEEL.  The more or less confident you are about these things happening the more they signal that the economy is doing great or poorly, respectively.  Update your retirement account and investments when you get stronger or negative feelings about these things going on around you.  For me, I am seeing condos going up, the development down the street sold out quickly, a new Hotel is being completed, friends are switching jobs, and the seats on my vacation to the Caribbeans is almost full. I think the economy is chugging along.

Same Companies New Tricks

I wanted to share with you my sensory investing.

  • McDonald’s – I see the lines even during their late night hours. (I even jump in line...bad habit)
  • Best Buy – I recently asked them to match a competitor’s pricing and they didn’t…I left. (There loss)
  • Groupon – I wanted to buy a product and oddly enough Groupon was selling this item for the lowest price…not a daily deal but at their online store. (My first time wanting to shop there...will other feel the same way)

 These all help to shape my investment ideas and notice Groupon’s big rise recently their store concept may be taking hold. Example of a starting point for an investment.

Interest Rates May Be Rising

This article was timely because soon after what happened…Interest Rates went on a tear and rose at the fastest rate since 1987.  This might cause buyers to get in while rates are low or this may cause a short-term slow down as buyers get nervous when rates spike.  The key thing is use this as a starting point and go from there.

 Markets are Going Higher
Link to Post

This post analyzed what direction the markets might head.  We “LISTENED” to smart investors like David Tepper who said the next leg is higher. We’ve tuned into his cues since 2010 and they are interesting. Do we make our whole decision based on his thoughts…No but it’s a starting point. Then the Dow was at 14000, since then we’ve shot to 15,500