Help me help you is what I say. All I know is that you need to keep up with my recommendations folks. If I was your sports agent would you trust me...I hope so. My goal is to give you results and then earn your many people are willing to put their necks on the land and stand up for what they believe in: ME.
Show Me!
Stock Ticker, Buy Price, Current Price, %Gain/Loss
CWE 42 54.63 30.07%
CHK 32 35.05 9.53%
ARC 9 9.49 5.44%
ALCO 46.07 44.6 -3.19%
BHI 62.67 77.44 23.57%
BHS 50.3 51.65 2.68%
DPM 24 27.8 15.83%
DDS 24.4 25.9 6.15%
HPY 22.6 24.61 8.89%
KNOL 3.14 3.7 17.83%
KRNY 12.69 13.5 6.38%
LLY 54.47 56.62 3.95%
BFT 6.7 7.88 17.61%
CPST 16.25 19.55 20.31%
- (Not bad for about a month of investing)
- I only have one stock that is down.
Non-believers, Click Here to see my recommendations from my previous post, notice the date stamp of my recommendations:
Young or old, this is your place to learn and ask questions. URBANOMICS is a cool and simple approach to building the best you. Learn our pillars to build a strong financial, spiritual, mental, and physical core. Those are the blocks to build the best you so that you can serve your family, friends, and community. United we stand and diversity we love. URBANOMICS = URBAN ECONOMICS
Stock Ticker
Stocks use a Ticker or an abbreviation to allow you to quickly find them. Facebook (Ticker: FB), Apple (Ticker: AAPL), Netflix (Ticker: NFLX), Alphabet (we know it as Google, Ticker: GOOG), Microsoft (Ticker: MSFT).
Ticker Tape Provided by Macroaxis
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Heard it Hear First...
I not sure whether I believe it either but check out the latest scoop on the gossip trail.
Get the scoop first
Okay well maybe you already knew but I decided to share the latest scope with you. The word on the streets is that Kanye West has been getting cozy with the much older Pamela Anderson. Go figure...and I thought Kanye was just getting to know his new model friend Brooke Crittenden. I guess Kanye has been listening to his own music and has left the Goldiggers behind for the big fish.
And how about the lovely, gorgeous, perfect, not to mention sexy Halle Berry. She had stated that she wanted to have a baby by the time she reached 40... no matter if she was married or just simply dating someone. And I guess this year, 40 will be creeping around the corner. So I wonder if she will still follow through.
Last but not least...Bobby and Whitney may be on the outs. I can't believe it either. They lasted through drug problems, careers on the decline, and a tv show that proves it all. Say it aint so after 14 years...but I guess what took them soooo long.
Ohhhhhh by the way has anyone seen the new Flavor Flav show where he is looking for a date or wife or something?
Get the scoop first
Okay well maybe you already knew but I decided to share the latest scope with you. The word on the streets is that Kanye West has been getting cozy with the much older Pamela Anderson. Go figure...and I thought Kanye was just getting to know his new model friend Brooke Crittenden. I guess Kanye has been listening to his own music and has left the Goldiggers behind for the big fish.
And how about the lovely, gorgeous, perfect, not to mention sexy Halle Berry. She had stated that she wanted to have a baby by the time she reached 40... no matter if she was married or just simply dating someone. And I guess this year, 40 will be creeping around the corner. So I wonder if she will still follow through.
Last but not least...Bobby and Whitney may be on the outs. I can't believe it either. They lasted through drug problems, careers on the decline, and a tv show that proves it all. Say it aint so after 14 years...but I guess what took them soooo long.
Ohhhhhh by the way has anyone seen the new Flavor Flav show where he is looking for a date or wife or something?
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Your Opinion Matters
I have been debating on a few topics lately and wanted the opionion of the readers out there. The topics are:
Voice Your Opinion
Angelina Jolie - Women want to be her, and guys want to be with her. She has it all and is finally becoming a complete person - actress, humanitarian, and mother. However, the million dollar question is, should she be considered friend, foe, or hoe. As we all know Jolie and Brad Pitt have never admitted to being a real couple, however they have confirmed that they have a baby on the way. It appears that the romance began on the set of their last movie ' Mr. and Mrs. Smith'.
I obviously have been a fan of Jolie... even since her crazy episodes with Billy Bob and carrying his blood in a vial around her neck(Not to mention she looked really good in Lara Croft:Tomb Raider, Original Sin :), and Taking Lives!) She has grown as a person and has even become an ambassador to the UN. Her efforts have gone even further and she has adopted two children. But some say she is also behind the break up of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston marriage. So is Jolie a:
1. Sexy Actress
2. Humble Humanitarian
3. No good husband stealer

Marcus Vick - Can anyone be dumber than this cat. He single handily is responsible for:
1. Getting himself kicked out of Virginia Tech
2. Now possibly not getting drafted (b/c he got kicked out of VT)
3. Embarrassing the family name (See high profile brother Michael Vick)
His latest incidents prove that he is definitely a troubled kid battling with stardom and the shadow of his famous brother. He was in trouble over a year ago for allegedly buy alcohol for underage girls which forced him to miss one year at quarterback for VT. Then there have been the on field problems such as giving the finger to opposing fans and most recently stepping on the back leg of a player in the bowl game. The latter was the final straw for VT and they have officially kicked him off the team. And even more recently he was cited for driving with a suspended license. And when you thought the dumbest of the dumb had been performed he just surrendered to police on brandishing a firearm to three teenagers.
Can he still be an effective NFL player?
Voice Your Opinion
Angelina Jolie - Women want to be her, and guys want to be with her. She has it all and is finally becoming a complete person - actress, humanitarian, and mother. However, the million dollar question is, should she be considered friend, foe, or hoe. As we all know Jolie and Brad Pitt have never admitted to being a real couple, however they have confirmed that they have a baby on the way. It appears that the romance began on the set of their last movie ' Mr. and Mrs. Smith'.
I obviously have been a fan of Jolie... even since her crazy episodes with Billy Bob and carrying his blood in a vial around her neck(Not to mention she looked really good in Lara Croft:Tomb Raider, Original Sin :), and Taking Lives!) She has grown as a person and has even become an ambassador to the UN. Her efforts have gone even further and she has adopted two children. But some say she is also behind the break up of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston marriage. So is Jolie a:
1. Sexy Actress
2. Humble Humanitarian
3. No good husband stealer

Marcus Vick - Can anyone be dumber than this cat. He single handily is responsible for:
1. Getting himself kicked out of Virginia Tech
2. Now possibly not getting drafted (b/c he got kicked out of VT)
3. Embarrassing the family name (See high profile brother Michael Vick)
His latest incidents prove that he is definitely a troubled kid battling with stardom and the shadow of his famous brother. He was in trouble over a year ago for allegedly buy alcohol for underage girls which forced him to miss one year at quarterback for VT. Then there have been the on field problems such as giving the finger to opposing fans and most recently stepping on the back leg of a player in the bowl game. The latter was the final straw for VT and they have officially kicked him off the team. And even more recently he was cited for driving with a suspended license. And when you thought the dumbest of the dumb had been performed he just surrendered to police on brandishing a firearm to three teenagers.
Can he still be an effective NFL player?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Happy New Year
Some may wonder how I spent the beginning of the New Year. Well my goal is to usually travel and bring in the New Year in a warmer climate because the frigid Midwest usually doesn't cover it. But with my recent move to the big city at the end of 2005, there wasn't going to be a trip to Las Vegas, London or Miami this year. So here are some snippets of me living it up with some of my closets friends. Check out my new thing...I bringing the "cuffs" to the forefront of the game!
See my pics:

See my pics:

Sunday, January 08, 2006
mOprah - Maxim
Dear mOprah,
After reading the last article I had to admit that even as a guy, Maxim and all the other for men magazines have let me down. They claim to have the secret formula for getting and keeping a woman. However, it just hasn’t proven to be that easy. Without having to do 1000 sit-ups a day and changing my wardrobe to become the ultimate metro-male…how do I get the job done.
Yours Truly,
Feeling Maxim-less
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Well Maxim reader you have definitely come to the right place. As your loyal gender defender, I have talked to women across the land and the secrets are in. I know you’ve been looking for that good recipe like the Colonel’s chicken at KFC. And to tell you the truth this recipe can come in all different shapes and sizes. As the smooth player that I am, I do have to at least say that you must be fashionably comfortable and participate is some personal upkeep. I would say enough not to look like a slob and don’t be surprised that the every now and then a lady takes a look to see how your shoes look (this one I can’t figure out either).
But what you came to find out was what the survey said:
1. Gentlemen – Ladies are still all about some good ole Aretha, yep you got that right RESPECT. They appreciate the gentleman nowadays because I am guessing its been a rarity lately.
2. Strong & Supportive – Now fellas don’t take the first rule completely to the wrong end of the spectrum. Ladies have sounded off and want you to know that they are still looking for a man with a backbone. Just like on the Discovery channel in the wild, females everywhere migrate to the male that offers protection and support. So use this to your advantage and don’t be afraid to slug someone in the bar talking to your date (just kidding).
3. Little Things – Open a few doors, give a girl a jacket when she's cold and don’t be surprised at how many cool points you may rack up.
4. Listen & Communicate – Now I know this one will be tough but just the occasional nod and okay won’t work. Pay attention every now and then to the words coming out of her mouth and try to give a thoughtful response back.
5. Independent – Lastly, make sure you have your act together. The last thing a woman needs is to feel like she’s your second mom. Prove to her that you enjoy spending time with her, but that you can manage on those days that she’s busy with her friends and family. I would not recommend stalking as a positive trait.
Once again mOprah has come through in the clutch.
After reading the last article I had to admit that even as a guy, Maxim and all the other for men magazines have let me down. They claim to have the secret formula for getting and keeping a woman. However, it just hasn’t proven to be that easy. Without having to do 1000 sit-ups a day and changing my wardrobe to become the ultimate metro-male…how do I get the job done.
Yours Truly,
Feeling Maxim-less
Get the latest story
Well Maxim reader you have definitely come to the right place. As your loyal gender defender, I have talked to women across the land and the secrets are in. I know you’ve been looking for that good recipe like the Colonel’s chicken at KFC. And to tell you the truth this recipe can come in all different shapes and sizes. As the smooth player that I am, I do have to at least say that you must be fashionably comfortable and participate is some personal upkeep. I would say enough not to look like a slob and don’t be surprised that the every now and then a lady takes a look to see how your shoes look (this one I can’t figure out either).
But what you came to find out was what the survey said:
1. Gentlemen – Ladies are still all about some good ole Aretha, yep you got that right RESPECT. They appreciate the gentleman nowadays because I am guessing its been a rarity lately.
2. Strong & Supportive – Now fellas don’t take the first rule completely to the wrong end of the spectrum. Ladies have sounded off and want you to know that they are still looking for a man with a backbone. Just like on the Discovery channel in the wild, females everywhere migrate to the male that offers protection and support. So use this to your advantage and don’t be afraid to slug someone in the bar talking to your date (just kidding).
3. Little Things – Open a few doors, give a girl a jacket when she's cold and don’t be surprised at how many cool points you may rack up.
4. Listen & Communicate – Now I know this one will be tough but just the occasional nod and okay won’t work. Pay attention every now and then to the words coming out of her mouth and try to give a thoughtful response back.
5. Independent – Lastly, make sure you have your act together. The last thing a woman needs is to feel like she’s your second mom. Prove to her that you enjoy spending time with her, but that you can manage on those days that she’s busy with her friends and family. I would not recommend stalking as a positive trait.
Once again mOprah has come through in the clutch.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Stock Update
As you recall from the last edition of Ballin' On Wall Street, I gave you a list of stocks to follow lets see how well we are doing so far.
To further test my theory, I have entered a "simulator" contest at: and you can follow my stock progress under the handle: JGOTTI.
As of 1/06 on's simulator: I have added the following positions to my account:
Clayton Williams Energy CWEI Buy @ 42
Chesapeake Energy CHK Buy @ 32
I will also watch Pegasus Wireless @ around 10, Cost Plus around 16.25, Bally's around 6.7 and Enbride Energy in the 40s. Again from the research that I have performed, it appears that the Energy sector is heating up again. This assumption my actually have some teeth because recently Russia's natural gas pipeline shutdown is responsible for providing over 25% of Europe's gas. Simply from a suppply and demand standpoint I believe that stocks in this area may rise.
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Here is the latest portfolio update...not bad for a few weeks:
Affordable Residential Communities Inc. $9.00 $9.69 7.67%
Alico Inc. (ALCO) $46.07 $44.96 -2.41%
Baker Hughes Inc. (BHI) $62.67 $63.93 2.01%
Brookfield Homes Corp. (BHS) $50.30 $50.61 0.62%
DCP MIDSTREAM LP (DPM) $24.00 $24.05 0.21%
Dillard's Inc. (DDS) $24.40 $25.38 4.02%
Heartland Payment Systems Inc. (HPY) $22.60 $21.88 -3.19%
Knology, Inc. (KNOL) $3.14 $3.75 19.43%
Kearny Financial Corp. (KRNY) $12.69 $12.31 -2.99%
Eli Lilly & Co. (LLY) $54.47 $57.36 5.31%
Current Return 3.07%
To further test my theory, I have entered a "simulator" contest at: and you can follow my stock progress under the handle: JGOTTI.
As of 1/06 on's simulator: I have added the following positions to my account:
Clayton Williams Energy CWEI Buy @ 42
Chesapeake Energy CHK Buy @ 32
I will also watch Pegasus Wireless @ around 10, Cost Plus around 16.25, Bally's around 6.7 and Enbride Energy in the 40s. Again from the research that I have performed, it appears that the Energy sector is heating up again. This assumption my actually have some teeth because recently Russia's natural gas pipeline shutdown is responsible for providing over 25% of Europe's gas. Simply from a suppply and demand standpoint I believe that stocks in this area may rise.
Get the inside story
Here is the latest portfolio update...not bad for a few weeks:
Affordable Residential Communities Inc. $9.00 $9.69 7.67%
Alico Inc. (ALCO) $46.07 $44.96 -2.41%
Baker Hughes Inc. (BHI) $62.67 $63.93 2.01%
Brookfield Homes Corp. (BHS) $50.30 $50.61 0.62%
DCP MIDSTREAM LP (DPM) $24.00 $24.05 0.21%
Dillard's Inc. (DDS) $24.40 $25.38 4.02%
Heartland Payment Systems Inc. (HPY) $22.60 $21.88 -3.19%
Knology, Inc. (KNOL) $3.14 $3.75 19.43%
Kearny Financial Corp. (KRNY) $12.69 $12.31 -2.99%
Eli Lilly & Co. (LLY) $54.47 $57.36 5.31%
Current Return 3.07%
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