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Angelina Jolie - Women want to be her, and guys want to be with her. She has it all and is finally becoming a complete person - actress, humanitarian, and mother. However, the million dollar question is, should she be considered friend, foe, or hoe. As we all know Jolie and Brad Pitt have never admitted to being a real couple, however they have confirmed that they have a baby on the way. It appears that the romance began on the set of their last movie ' Mr. and Mrs. Smith'.
I obviously have been a fan of Jolie... even since her crazy episodes with Billy Bob and carrying his blood in a vial around her neck(Not to mention she looked really good in Lara Croft:Tomb Raider, Original Sin :), and Taking Lives!) She has grown as a person and has even become an ambassador to the UN. Her efforts have gone even further and she has adopted two children. But some say she is also behind the break up of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston marriage. So is Jolie a:
1. Sexy Actress
2. Humble Humanitarian
3. No good husband stealer

Marcus Vick - Can anyone be dumber than this cat. He single handily is responsible for:
1. Getting himself kicked out of Virginia Tech
2. Now possibly not getting drafted (b/c he got kicked out of VT)
3. Embarrassing the family name (See high profile brother Michael Vick)
His latest incidents prove that he is definitely a troubled kid battling with stardom and the shadow of his famous brother. He was in trouble over a year ago for allegedly buy alcohol for underage girls which forced him to miss one year at quarterback for VT. Then there have been the on field problems such as giving the finger to opposing fans and most recently stepping on the back leg of a player in the bowl game. The latter was the final straw for VT and they have officially kicked him off the team. And even more recently he was cited for driving with a suspended license. And when you thought the dumbest of the dumb had been performed he just surrendered to police on brandishing a firearm to three teenagers.
Can he still be an effective NFL player?

I think that Jolie has come a long way and has really grown as a person. Even though she is having my future husbands baby and they are probably already married, I do think that they are a better fit together. She is a beautiful person and I don't feel like she should be the blame for Pitt and Anistons break up!
I'm a little concerned that Pitt has already adopted the children and has a child on the way when about this time last year they "officially" broke the news of their breakup.
This is such a touchy subject because unless you're inside their household its hard to know if the marriage was holding up. But I think that J. Aniston was surprised when she heard the rumors. I will definitely see if mOprah can address the topic of marriages and whether Jolie/Pitt/Aniston is at fault. Stay tuned...
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