Cartoon/Show Star Ranking (5=Really good) Link for more info
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Voltron - This show was the real deal. I guess from doing a little research I need to specify that I watch the Lion Voltron series (there are multiple ones...check the site).

Rating: **** (Better than the wack Power Rangers)
ThunderCats - Not sure what this cat/lion theme was all about growing up but hey it worked. I remember the characters like it was yesterday. Lion-O(I alwasy thought they were saying Lionel), Panthero, and I Snarf. Lionel was the leader and had an amazing sword that grew when he said the phrase (Thunder...Thunder...Thundercats...Whoooah) The bad guy, who was pretty scary as a child was Mumm-Ra who was made of bandages. Great show, another classic.
Rating: ***
X-Men - The coolest characters came from this cartoon series. It is an obvious favorite that has spawned two movies already. This was definitely a grown up cartoon series and that dealt with mutants that had special powers and usually defended the helpless world of normal humans from bad mutants. They protected humans because they wanted to prove that mutants and humans could coexist peacefully.
Rating: *****
Smurfs - The land of the blue minature people. All I can say is everyone grew up with the Smurfs. I always wanted to know why there was only one smurf that was a chick...Smurfette and I think everyone hit on her even Papa Smurf. Here is a snippet:
The cartoon featured the adventures of the Smurfs who lived in the mushroom cottages of Smurf Village with their 542-year-old leader, Papa Smurf. Their lives would have been perfect were it not for the villainous Gargamel, an evil wizard who spent his days trying to capture the Smurfs. Gargamel's cat Azrael added to the menace, always looking for a snack.
Rating: ***1/2
FraggleRock - Don't remember much about this show but that I used to watch it all the time. I know that the Fraggles lived underground. Check out this summary courtesy of IMDB:
Doc and his dog Sprocket have a hole in their wall, behind which live little furry creatures known as Fraggles in a place called Fraggle Rock. The Rock is also home to the Doozers (who are knee-high to a Fraggle) and the Gorgs (who are giants that think they rule the Rock). One gang of Fraggles (Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, and Red), under the guidance of the all-knowing Trash Heap (Marjorie), learn about each other and their neighbors and eventually befriend the Doozers, the Gorgs--and even Doc and Sprocket. Meanwhile, Gobo's Uncle Matt explores Outer Space (our world) and sends postcards to his nephew about the Silly Creatures (that's us).
Rating: ***
Today’s Special - The show no one seems to remember except for me. This aired on Nickelodeon and was awesome. Read this summary: It was about a department store, and the adventures of its inhabitants. The main four characters are: Jeff, Jody, Muffy, and Sam. Jeff was the main character and a mannequin by day, and a living, breathing human by night. However, in order for Jeff to remain a human, he must always keep his magical hat on. If he loses the hat, he becomes a mannequin again, and then the hat has to be put back on his head, and someone has to say the magic words "Hocus Pocus Alimagocus".
Rating: ***
How about you remember:
CareBears He-Man, She-Ra, GI Joe, Curious George, Inspector Gadget, Bananaman, David the Gnome, Danger Mouse, Mighty Mouse, Mr. Roger's , Sesame Street!!!
6 comments: about little house on the praire, wonder woman and the Bionacle man...?
Yeah good point I did watch, Little House, Wonder Woman...was the Bionic Man the same as the 6 Million/Billion Dollar man?? Also how about Nightrider, Different Strokes, Dennis the Menace, The Jeffersons...ohh this is getting good!
I can't believe that you did not add He-Man, wow!!!!
Hey check the list...I already had He-Man on there.
I can't believe you forgot Fat Albert!! Fraggle Rock was awesom!!
i remember all the shows you listed. i used to watch eureka's castle and today's special every day after school.
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