Stock Ticker

Stocks use a Ticker or an abbreviation to allow you to quickly find them. Facebook (Ticker: FB), Apple (Ticker: AAPL), Netflix (Ticker: NFLX), Alphabet (we know it as Google, Ticker: GOOG), Microsoft (Ticker: MSFT). Ticker Tape Provided by Macroaxis


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

I've got to have my VOXX...

I am writing this post as a quick update for a couple of reasons. One, I am headed out of the country for a bit, and two my Urbanomics Tracker site, socialpicks is down more often that I would care for.

So I am posting information here that documents when I would have picked up the shares. I received an alert for the following stock:


I should have some more information for you in the future. But this isn't much of a surprise as technology and natural resources have been a few of my favorites. They are industries that continue to grow or show the ability to pay us as we wait for better economic times.

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