Exactly nothing as far as I can see. But if you check out the video at barelypolitical.com, you may be thinking that the two go hand in hand. A 24 year old busty young lady has decided to declare her love for Obama, well more like his political campaign. It is pretty creative in my book and whatever it takes to give more press to Barack and his movement...I support it. In the video, the Obama-girl dances and shakes to a catchy song that professes her love. She professes her love in the office, on the train, in the park, and with random strangers all while the camera manages to focus on Obama's...sorry can't lie Obama-girl's assets.

Lastly I'm in the process of reading Barack's first book and so far its been hard to put down. Please pick up this book as read his interpretation on the impact race and inheritance plays in America. The book is "Dreams from My Father" by Barack Obama. More to come as I complete the book.
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