#MansaMusaMentality - arguably the world's richest person in History and he is a person of color
#BreakfastClubforStocks - get your Sherlock Holmes on with news, reports, and data for stock investments ideasThis post is a part of my #MansaMusaMentality series and how I invest. Almost like case studies (known as "Detail"), I'll highlight how I invest in assets such as real estate, stocks, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, etc. And I want to foster a community culture, so I'll show you how I invest and learn from my network and maybe in the future we can crowdsource or here we call it #tribesource investment ideas for the future.
"Detail" - A Breakdown of my Kohl's (KSS) Investment
Year(s): 2019
Throwback Link(s):
A "Detail" post is about how I found this investment. Quite simply, I kept my ears to da streets. My life is not dedicated to stocks because it's not my main hustle but I do my research, use my network of connections, and make smart informed decisions. Because I've amassed a nice investment empire, not the size of Mansa Musa, I'll be damned if I leave it to someone to manage and eat all my profits. I (AND YOU) can manage your money yourself. Just like how I listen to the Breakfast Club for the culture, I listen, read, and aggregate data for that stock culture. Again, if I have time for the Breakfast Club morning show with Charlamagne tha God... I can also make time for my stock version of the Breakfast Club. What's your excuse??
My best investments of all time will make the #MansaHallofFame. W.R. Grace was too small to make the list but remember we're NOT here for medal...we're here to retire early. So we'll take the small wins to achieve the bigger goal. Independent -- Know Your Worth -- Freedom to Choose
So how did I find this stock? I got my Sherlock Holmes on and did my own research. I keep a log of my research and ideas so don't test me. How do I get my Sherlock Holmes on? Depending on your age you might prefer: X-Files, Murder She Wrote, Columbo :) Here's what I found:
Stock Investment Idea: KOHL'S Corporation (KSS)

I also want to remind you about about how we win --- it starts with strength in numbers. But it should NOT end there as change comes from having representation in positions that can truly enact change. At the end of the day, you have to have the numbers or as we say a majority of votes to get things done. I hope more people understand this when it comes to #strengthinnumbers, politics, and changing the system. We need allies and you have to have the numbers. Change is a powerful thing and it can cause Congress (who makes laws which impact your lives) or a stock (which impacts your $$) to move in your favor when a majority of votes is had. So I got in early on this investment but listen to what just happened the other day...the cavalry is coming. They've listened to my post on Kohl's and want to hunt in packs. Thank you @LAURENTHOMAS over at CNBC for this update. Macellum Advisors, Ancora Holdings, Legion Partners, and 4010 Capital see the value and want to pressure change. Kohl's board has 12 members and this group has communicated they want 9 out of the 12 seats effectively giving them control of the company.
A small protest can lead to a ripple effect but you have to have the majority of the BODs with you. Outside of the corporate world, you need to have a majority of your local government and in Washington DC we need to have a majority of Congress voting on a bill for change to occur. This article signaled change was coming --- either through a) my network of Wall Street buddies buying up the stock which gives them the right to "VOTE" each share and change the board members or by b) #huntinginpacks, they band together raise enough cash and buy the entire company. Side Note: This works well in Corporate America to effect change but a huge reason why I don't like money in politics. One person with the biggest pockets can push for change if they buy a majority of the stock and vote. No one should be able to buy your votes when it comes to social policies in life.
Outcome: I've owned Kohl's since 2019 and like the direction it's headed. This stock is one of the few here I was not showing a profit. That is changing, just look at the image above, "Shares Soar" means the stock is moving up quickly, and especially this week now that others understand the value. As we rebound from this pandemic, I anticipate the stock will climb higher.
Good luck and time to find another stock to trade
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