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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Urbanomics Market Update - June 20th

Urbanomics Market Update
~the update for people that don’t watch the “stock channel”
GAS, the last time I wrote my update I predicted gas prices were going to rise and boy did they take off. As of a couple of days ago, the price of gas at the pump has risen for 50 (this is not a typo) straight days!! AAA, noted recently that the nationwide price average is around $2.679 and every state is joining in this party at the pump. Since I was sport on with my last analysis I will include my most recent prediction on the direction of gas.

Gas Prediction: My thoughts are that gas will start to top out at these levels. The fundamentals of economy just can’t support gas at these levels…people will take other measures as they did last year to ease this costly burden. At the right price, I would look to make an investment that gas begins to drop.

STOCK MARKET, this week the stock market was down roughly 3%! You may think that there are a few signs that things may be improving but I would not be running to join the crowd. Be afraid because a number of experts are betting that the rally is running out of steam just as the everyday investor is starting to pump money back into their investment portfolios, mutual funds, and retirement portfolios. My prediction won’t change…so check out my write up from last time below.

Market Prediction: if you had peeked at the stock market you might have seen that it has been doing really well in the last couple of months. If you feel like you missed the party…DON’T. The reasons vary as to why it was moving up rapidly (like people spending their tax checks at the beginning of the year) but it probably won’t continue going up so quickly much more. This is my opinion but the economic data doesn’t lie. The data recently released says:
- Consumers are saving and not spending money
- Housing foreclosures are on the rise again (And rates continue to rise!)
- Unemployment continues to reach record monthly numbers (Unemployment dipped last month and is on the rise again!)


Cash for Clunkers – The Congress just passed a bill known on the streets as “Cash for Clunkers”. It probably took a cue from Germany which has passed a wildly popular strategy in their country. This bill was going to be hard to argue against as it helps boost a lagging industry, cleans up the environment, and lowers the consumer’s bills. The bill requires you to buy a car that is more fuel efficient that your last car and you will get a voucher of up to $4500 to make this switch. The real name of the program and a link to the website can be found here:
Or try the auto industry’s site aimed at promoting the

Home Buyer Tax Credit – A new proposal is moving around the senate to INCREASE the existing tax credit. Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia is the brains behind this new proposal which want to raise the existing $8000 credit to $15000!!! The other changes are this bill would be for ALL homebuyers in contrast with the last which was just for first time buyers. The other change would be to eliminate the income limits which are currently capped at $75000.

Prediction: My opinion is this will have some trouble passing through Washington. At a time when Wall Street and the Real Estate industry have lost our trust, this bill will raise too many questions about who is really benefitting from the latest home tax credit. By removing the income limit and opening it up to anyone this could potentially benefit wealthy homeowners and property investors…two groups who may need the least assistance out there and have the least amount of trust out there.

HOUSING, things still look uncertain for this part of the market.
- A new wave of foreclosures are still set to hit the market
- The tax credit deadline is looming
- Rising interest rates are not positive for consumers