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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Pay It Front, Back, and Side to Side

Now I now you're not sure where I was going with this title but I have to admit I wasn't sure either. I couldn't tell if I had a UGK classic song stuck in my head or if this had real meaning. And by the way, if you are thinking what/or who is UGK and exactly what I am referring to then you are not a true hip hop head. But enough of that, my real meaning for this post is to highlight the importance of giving. So I am telling everyone out there to to give front, back, and side to side. Now I could have been cliche and just said "Pay It Forward" the movie but thats not me.
Giving Back

On my quest to better myself, and believe me there is a lot I have to work on. I wanted to share my experience and hope that you all continue or start to do anything at all that you can to make a small difference in the world we live in. So my plea is that in a time where its easy to bash politicians for there slander filled ads and moral injustices, lets move them to the side (because their only human) and take matters into our own hands. Please VOTE, VOLUNTEER, DONATE, and PRAY, so that you can make a difference in what the world looks like tomorrow. Here are some pretty cool experiences from my chance to volunteer with Big Brother/Big Sisters. It doesn't have to be with an organization, it could be you making a difference on your block our at the Y, or donating clothes. Let me know what your thoughts on this.

1 comment:

-TP- said...

Proud of you man :-)