I began looking at my blog posting over the last few years and my posts are wayyyyy down. Now there are simple reasons for this but as one takes on more responsibilities at work and family needs grows I have less and less time for writing. Oddly enough, I do want to address one thing with this post and that is that my time put towards doing my homework doesn't waiver but gets more efficient. It can't waiver because this is your lifeline into financial freedom...one of the pillars that I often blog about. Now I'll give you the second reason why my posts have diminished a bit (little bit of a cop out)...the markets keeps streaking HIGHER and the HIGHER it gets the HARDER it is for me to find VALUE. I'll give you an example...I won't give you my age but I grew up in an era where a standard candy bar was usually $0.50. and one could enjoy a Snickers, Reese's PB Cup, and even a pack of M&Ms for less than a dollar and if I I felt like a king...the king size was probably $1.00. My search for value never waivers so in today's world so when I visit a store I don't bother looking at the candy bars...can't do it! I do the simple math and if I don't see a merchant getting close to my value threshold of 50 cents then I don't give in. Nice thing for me is I don't have a sweet tooth but when I find the occasional deal, I enjoy my Reese's cups. Similarly, the stock market keeps shooting higher and I'm not finding very many candy bars to choose from. I keep looking but I don't give in unless on my terms.
Now for the Reality TV portion of this blog. I hope over the course of the next few months to change my blog up a bit. Instead of writing, I'd love to simply post a video blog and just talk to you about what I'm seeing. I have to be efficient with my time. I'm still researching a lot so I can't wait to share with you my thoughts on areas I want to invest in NEXT but only at candy bar prices.
I always tell people to start with what you know and venture out to areas you don't mind reading about. So my areas, which I've been keeping up with are:
CYBER SECURITY - Think Palo Alto Networks, FireEye, Cisco, Symantec, F5 Networks, Checkpoint, Cyberark, Fortinet
TECHNOLOGY - Apple, Alibaba, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Qorvo, Amazon, Qualcomm
FINANCIAL PAYMENTS - Paypal, Visa, MasterCard, Square, Stripe, Vantiv,
I'm not great at these areas but I also follow Retail, Pharmaceuticals, Telecom.
Name Names: Over the last 12 months that small group of stock that have popped up on my radar have been: Verizon (Telecom), Teva (Pharma), Gilead (Pharma), Hertz (Retail-Auto), Paratek (Pharma), Nuance (Tech) and I own all of these names.
Buyer Beware: Then there are names that I watch and watch because it's like buying Fireworks after the 4th of July OR candy bars that have past expiration dates. Is it worth the risk and Are they still good often come up. Who might that be: Twitter, Snapchat, BlueApron, Kroger, Under Armour, Dicks Sporting Goods, Foot Locker. For these names I often don't buy at $.50, it's not worth the risk so I have to recalculate and see will they hit $.25 and is it worth it or will I get a stomach ache. For a select few I might bite, think Jack Dorsey (Twitter), Kroger (feeds middle class), and Under Armour (they have Steph Curry, enuff said).
I'm out.
Full Disclosure: I own Verizon (Telecom), Teva (Pharma), Gilead (Pharma), Hertz (Retail-Auto), Paratek (Pharma), Nuance (Tech) and for a number of them my candy bar prices are near their lowest price ranges in the last 52 weeks.
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Stock Ticker
Stocks use a Ticker or an abbreviation to allow you to quickly find them. Facebook (Ticker: FB), Apple (Ticker: AAPL), Netflix (Ticker: NFLX), Alphabet (we know it as Google, Ticker: GOOG), Microsoft (Ticker: MSFT).
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